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Module Tooltip






  • Tooltip(props: Props): JSX.Element
  • Tooltip component triggered by mouse-over-series events. When mounted, the tooltip component registers a mouse-over handler with the {@link useChart} hook using the {@link UseChartValues.registerTooltipContentProvider} function. The handler renders the tooltip by adding it to the SVG plot container. However, to remain general, this Tooltip also uses the {@link useChart}'s {@link UseChartValues.tooltipContentProvider} to render the actual content of the tooltip. The content provider is given the series' name on which the mouse-over event occurred, the plot time associated with mouse-over event, and the TimeSeries associated with the mouse-over event. The plot (for example ScatterPlot) is responsible for rendering the tooltip, and it registers this tooltip-content provider with the {@link useChart} hook.

    The {@link useChart} hook allows the plots and this tooltip to register methods needed its siblings.

    on mount

    1. The plot (for example ScatterPlot) adds a d3 mouse-enter and mouse-leave event handlers to each series. The mouse-enter event handler performs a few tasks and then calls the mouse-over event handler registered by the Tooltip via the {@link useChart} hook.
    2. The plot (for example ScatterPlot) registers the tooltip-content provider with the {@link useChart} hook using the {@link UseChartValues.registerTooltipContentProvider} function.
    3. Tooltip registers the handler for mouse-over events. The handler accepts the series name, plot time, and time-series associated with the mouse-over event, and returns the tooltip dimensions. In order to create/render the tooltip, it uses the {@link UseChartValues.tooltipContentProvider} function that was registered via the {@link useChart} hook.

    on mouse-over event

    When the plot's (for example ScatterPlot) d3 mouse-enter event handler fires, the plot calls this Tooltip's mouse-over handler, which creates the tooltip, and calls the {@link UseChartValues.tooltipContentProvider} registered by the plot to render the tooltip content, and get the tooltip size.


    • props: Props

      The properties of the tooltip (i.e. visibility and style)

    Returns JSX.Element


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