This quick start guide will describe how to:
See the User Guide for a detailed description of the code, how to extend it, and determining the best approach for extending FreezeDry based on your needs.
You have several options for using FreezeDry. You can
The git repo has everything you'll need to build and run the test FreezeDry code. It also contains a sample log4j XML configuration file, and the mavan pom files. For this version, I've also included the Ant build.xml file used to build the previous FreezeDry version. The Ant build.xml can be used to create a single JAR containing the dependencies, or a single JAR without the dependencies.
A JAR file contains the FreezeDry distribution.
FreezeDry relies on features made available in Java version 7.
Once downloaded, change to the distribution's directory, and type
mvn clean install
FreezeDry jars are on maven central built as OSGi bundles. To use them in your code as plain jars or as bundles, add the following to maven (or similar to gradle):
where x.y.z is the version number.
There are two types of tests available: unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests can be run using:
mvn clean test
and integration tests, which run select tests in an OSGi container, can be run using:
mvn clean verify
By default, freezedry uses Apache's felix OSGi container, but if you prefer equinox you can add the maven profile as such
mvn clean varify -Pequinox
Issuing the command
mvn clean install
will run both unit and integration tests (use the maven profile for equinox).
That's it.